
Improvement In Bio-plastics

- June 26, 2020
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  Written By: Moiz Majid                                            
Improvement in bio-plastics

In the near future, it is evident that petroleum will run out. This will increases the prices of petroleum products. Although about 4 to 5 percent of the total oil is being used in the production of plastic resins, but the whole world is crying for the disposal of plastic waste. Each year 348 million tons of plastic is produced, half of which is added as waste in the environments mostly in the seas and rivers where it is the major cause of marine deaths.  Globally, manufactures produce 348 million tons of plastic each year, compared to 1.5 million tons in 1950. Normally plastic items take 1000 years to degraded totally to landfills, but the plastic bags we use in our daily life take 40 to 50 years to degrade completely while plastic bottles take 450 years. This concern is in part translated in the form of market demand for eco-friendly products made of renewable raw materials. This issue stimulated the demand for harmless and biodegradable materials. From there evolve the idea of recycling. The focus shifted to the production of plastic from renewable sources. Bio polymers are special polymers that involve living organisms in its synthesis process, it can be partially or totally produced from natural renewable materials. They can be extracted directly form biomass, bu micro organisms or with the precipitation of bio intermediaries. They can be molded by heat or pressure actions because they contains bio polymers in different percentages. Plastics that are bio based are replacing plastic made of petroleum due to it has the same properties as synthetic plastic. The use of synthetic mastic takes a long time to decompose in nature as discussed earlier. If synthetic plastics are burnt down it releases harmful gases into atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide etc. On the other hand, bio based plastics or starch based plastics do not exist harmful gases. Plants such as maize, banana, cassava, potatoes, rice etc are rich in starch. Starch is the major carbohydrate in plant that contains amylopectin and amylose molecules which can improve mechanical properties. The content of starches derived from cassava plants may be used as bioplastics due to plenty of availability, high starch content in cassava plant. The addition of concentration of cassava starch can increase hardness form 31.56 to 67.99shore A, increase density of 1.164 to 1.191 gram per centimeter cube and accelerate the decomposition process (complete decomposition occurs on the 12th day) is affected by oxygen content in carbohydrates the amount of cassava starch and moisture absorption. Starch based bioplastic nanocomposites represent an exciting and promising alternative to conventional plastics owing to their markedly improved performance in mechanical, thermal, barrier as well as other physical and chemical properties. Many companies and research institutions have taken a strong interest and invested heavily in the development of starch based bioplastic nanocomposites. Polymer nanocomposites are generally known to offer better performance with significant weight reduction and affordable materials for transport industries such as automotive and aerospace. The first commercial product of a polymer nanocomposite is the timing belt cover which was made from nylon 6 
nanocomposites by the Toyota Company. The timing belt demonstrated good rigidity and excellent thermal stability. The timing belt was shown to save up to 25% weight due to the lower content of nanoclays used. In addition, nylon 6 nanocomposites have been used to fabricate engine covers, oil reservoir tank and fuel hoses in the automotive industry due to their remarkable increase in heat distortion temperature (HDT) as well as their enhanced barrier properties and mechanical properties. Thermoplastic olefin nanocomposite reinforced with as little as 2.5% clay particles has also been employed by General Motors. In recent years, there has been increased use of biopolymer nanocomposites by various vehicle manufacturers to make both external and internal parts such as mirror housings, door handles etc. The weight 
advantage of polymer nanocomposites has a significant impact on environmental protection. 
 Bioplastics made from starch reinforced with clay particles have outstanding barrier properties that would result in considerable enhancement of shell life for many packaged foodstuffs. These nanocomposites demonstrate optical transparency in addition to biodegradability which is impossible to achieve with conventional synthetic polymer composites. Starch based packaging plastics are odorless, non-toxic and display low permeability to oxygen especially at low relative humidity. These property advantages make the new generation of nanocomposite bioplastics 
widely acceptable in packaging industries as wrapping films and beverage containers. Bayer research group played a significant role in developing a new grade of plastic films for food packaging made from nylon 6 nanocomposites. InnoWare Atlanta, USA, recently successfully developed starch based food packaging containers with the ability to withstand high temperature, which is especially important during transport and storage. Therefore, starch based packaging materials have great potential in providing proper packaging materials for safe, wholesome food 
products which has been the focus of food packaging industry for many years. The classical drug administration by injection causes the plasma levels to go up and fall drastically when the drug has been metabolized; leading to a cyclical pattern each time a dose is administered. Therefore, in classical drug administration, most of the drug plasma levels can be outside the optimal range. Due to this, the drug permeates throughout the body and is not targeted to the site where it is specifically required. To overcome this problem, a controlled drug delivery mechanism in 
which the drug is released at a constant, preset rate, preferably close to the specific location is required. One of the notable approaches is to contain the drug in a polymer membrane, from which it diffuses out into the tissue in which the membrane is implanted. Duncan and Kapecek [18] reported that various polymers to which certain drugs were attached could be used to release the drugs after cleavage of the bonds attaching them to the backbone. Recently, attempts to use starch based biodegradable plastics have indicated enhanced drug delivery and eliminated the need for surgical retrieval of the polymeric material after drug administration. The differential rates of drug release demonstrated by this method of drug delivery may be beneficial in cases where increased drug dosage is necessary at the beginning of therapy. It is observed that clay nanoparticles are cost effective and versatile raw materials for starch based nanocomposites due to their unique layered structure, abundance in nature and wide availability. When clay based nanoparticles are applied to fabricate starch based bioplastics, enhanced properties are demonstrated. Moreover, the very low level of clay in the matrix makes the overall density similar to that of pure polymer. Clay based nanocomposites have found wide use in production of environment-friendly automotive parts and packaging materials. Their future markets will further expand from the current automotive and packaging industries to other industries 
such as electro materials, sensors and biomedicine. Other potential applications for starch-based 
nanocomposites for bioplastic materials are also currently being investigated. However, in spite of the successes achieved in the development of clay-based nanocomposites, their design, manufacturing and applications are often empirical and their large scale applications are still at 
their infancy stages. The reasons may be due to the limited theoretical knowledge on the novel 
nanostructure materials and the modification of clays for the purpose of targeted bioplastic, the mechanisms for superior reinforcement as compared to their micro-counterparts and the establishments of a simple processing structure-property relationship. Further developments of starch based bioplastic nanocomposites will depend largely on the 
understanding of the above fundamental concepts. Most nanocomposite fabrication methods have reported nanoparticle agglomeration causing formation of irregularly shaped Nano structural features within the composite. Noting that enhancement of properties of nano biocomposites is achieved when clay particles are well dispersed in the polymer matrix, improved properties of these materials can only be attainable if nanoparticle inclusions are of uniform size and shape and of very good degree of dispersion. Future research is therefore expected to address the following issues and challenges:
1.develop a simple but effective way to modify clay minerals and improve their compatibility with desirable polymer matrix since dispersion of clay platelets directly affects the final structure and hence the final properties of bioplastic nanocomposites, design an effective experimental technique to effectively fabricate nanocomposite.
2.bioplastics with uniformly dispersed nanoparticles and to establish optimal processing-structure-property relations to facilitate the design of nanocomposite 
3.bioplastics for specific applications. It is also proposed that future works should use carbon nanotubes in the fabrication of nanocomposite bioplastics. 

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