
Goblin Barrel Spell Bait Deck Which Got me to 5000 Trophies in clash royale

- June 07, 2017
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Wazzup guys, Norbysweg here with a stunning Zap Bait deck(my favorite xD) that got me to the 5k Club with only a level 2 Princess and Level 7 Inferno Tower.

Goblin Barrel Spell Bait Deck

Clash Royale Goblin BarrelClash Royale PrincessClash Royale KnightClash Royale Goblin Gang
Clash Royale Inferno TowerClash Royale Minion HordeClash Royale The LogClash Royale Rocket
I faced many maxed players along the way, buy still got up successfully.
Of course I reached 5k before the Season Reset, but I decided to stop there, since my cards were very low level, and I was pretty okay with #64 local.
This deck is a variation of the Knight-Barrel deck, with a little ladder spice, so you can counter those RG’s, Elites, Hogs and 3M’s easier.

Cards Breakdown

Goblin Barrel – A great pressure card, one of my favorites. You can do many tricky placements, but the one in the center is the best. This is a very skill-based card, as you have to remember your opponent’s rotation and their spells. Part of almost every Zap-bait deck.
Princess – Part of every Zap-Bait as well, my favorite card, for only 3 Elixir she can snipe almost every troop on the map, and get some very good positive Elixir Trades. Pairs up very well with the Goblin Barrel, as she always demands a response from your opponent, so you can hit him with your Barrel afterwards.
Knight – A great tank, for only 3 Elixir he proves insane value, especially when leveled up, (mine is level 12) he does a great job at defending and tanking for almost everything. He is great at absorbing damage, and very good at countering Royal Giant and Elite Barbarians.
Goblin Gang – Also part of every Zap-Bait deck, I prefer the Gang over Skarmy because the regular Goblins survive the Zap, and they can be leveled up easier. I also like them because, unlike the Skarmy, they are faster and more dangerous on offense.
Minion Horde – A high risk high reward card, for 5 Elixir it’s the only card that doesn’t make that good Elixir Trades, but offers huge DPS and speed on defense, as well as catching your Opponent off guard on offense. You must be very careful when using this card, as Arrows have risen in popularity since the buff.
Inferno Tower – The only defensive building besides the Goblin Hut, that isn’t very level dependant. A level 8 Inferno Tower does the same damage of a level 10 Inferno Tower when charged. Its main role is to counter Lava Hound, RG, Hog, and provide stability for your deck.
Log – Why not?
Rocket – Because Executioner and Wizard, also the best at finishing off towers.

General Gameplan

It’s all about your first move. Your best starting moves are:
  1. Goblin Barrel, three tiles behind the Arena Tower (they will 99% miss)
  2. Knight in the back
  3. Princess at the bridge or in the back
  4. Split Goblin Gang
I believe most of you know how to play Zap-Bait, and I can’t teach you everything, it’s something you’ll learn over time.
I have only one tip for you: Never attack with the Minion Horde alone, because it’s easily countered by Zap or Arrows.
The basics of Zap Bait is to remember your opponent’s spells, and play defense until he has no Elixir and used all his spells.
Since this is a Zap-Bait deck with chip damage purposes, there aren’t specific pushes you can make. It all depends on chipping with Princess, sending a Gob Gang to bait a spell, doing the trick with the Goblin Barrel, and so on.
Never overcommit by coupling Goblin Gang With Minion Horde for example, because you will be facing a huge counterpush, and if your Inferno Tower is level 7 like mine, you can’t afford that.
Always remember your Win-Damage. If the tower is left with 97 hp, a level 1 Log will leave it with 1 hp. You must remember the Rocket Damage, Log Damage, and Rocket+Log Damage.

Deck Matchups

From Best to Worst
Golem/Giant Beatdown – Winrate 80% – Since you have Pressure cards and Great defense against the tank, you’re all set.

P.E.K.K.A – Winrate 70% – Most Pekka decks have Executioner or Wizard, so you will almost always have to use your Rocket on defense. Other than that, not that hard to beat.

Lavaloon – Winrate 60% – Because my Rocket can’t one shot a high Level Balloon, it’s quite hard to beat. You have Great pressure cards and strong Air Defense with the Minion Horde and Inferno Tower.
Hog Bait – Winrate 60% – Take out their Princess or Ewiz, and strike with Minion Horde and Goblin Barrel.

Hog Exe Nado – Winrate 40% – Rocket comes in handy, you can defend well, but other than that you have almost no chance against these decks.

Well, that was it guys! Hope you enjoyed the guide!
Don’t forget to leave your thoughts or ideas down in the comments!
Thanks for reading, until next time, Norbysweg out.
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