- July 02, 2017
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(1) INPUT  (2) PROCESSOR  (3)  OUTPUT (1)       INPUT DEVICES  Any devices that change non electrnical enery into electrical energy in an electronic system is caleed an input devices.A microphone is an input devices.It converts sound into electrical signal.similarly, an electronic camera also converts a picture to electrical signals.Both are input devices.Other example of input devices are the keyboard and mouse which ate used to enters information into a computer.scanner is also an input fevices. These feed information,pictures and documents etc.to the computer in the form of electrical signals.
  • (2) PROCESSOR     A processor is the main component in an electronic system that converts the input into output.Amplifier tape recorder telrvision etc.are also common processor. The amplifier increase the energy of electrical signas of sound fed by the microphone and send them to the loud speaker.The television converts the electrical signals fed to it through antena or vable. Into pictures and sounds. The microprocessor of aa computer is very good example of it.it controls the different parts of computer to display output result on the screen of monito.

  1. (3)  OUTPUT DEVICES  an output device convert electric am energy into other form of energy.For example, a loud speaker convert electrical signals into sounds so it is an out put devices the screen of TV is also an output device .It converts electrical signals into pictures.The output devices of a computer system are the moniters and printers.The output component of various devices ate widely used in our schools and surroundings.Electrical appliances such as tape recorder, TV computers, meters and electrical bells are commonly used in homes and schools.Loudspeaker are used in maajid, halls cinemas and rheaters. Robots are used in the favtouries for mega projects.
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